sherry zhang

Digital 2D Foundation 2022


Cutting Line.

Laser cut masonite block Vector drawing of laser cut

Project description: "Create a set of conditions by which you derive a series of paths using Illustrator, and realize a physical manifestation of these conditions using the laser cutters in the Brown Design Workshop.

The design uses only curved lines for the main shape and constrains it within rectangular boxes, creating a feeling of contained energy/flame. It simultaneously resembles a flame, a leaf, and a feather. The second picture is the Illustrator file for the laser cut. I first sketched it in Procreate and then created outlines with Illustrator.

Color as Medium.

Poster design of Wenjun Lin's artwork

Project description: "Use color as the primary medium in the creation of two works: one using additive color (a projected image) and another using subtractive color (a large-format print)."

I created a poster comprised of the artwork of one of my favorite artists, Wenjun Lin. In the projected image you could see that colors felt brighter, more saturated, and more vivid--most noticeably with greens--whereas images felt bigger in print.

Steal this Book.

Project description: "Create a small chapbook or 'zine' using precisely none of your own content. Beg, borrow, steal. Do not write a single word, do not take a single photograph, do not draw a single line."

I found this to be the most interesting and fun project to put together. I took photos of the sky from the internet and stole diagrams, descriptions, and scientific illustrations from Wikipedia, and I overlaid these to create a constrasting effect.

Final Project: Beauty in Understanding.

For my final project, I wanted to extend upon the concept behind Steal this Book by merging colorful, organic images of nature with almost medical-looking scientific diagrams and descriptions. My goal was to explore the intersection between beauty in aesthetics and beauty in scientific understanding.


Sherry is an oatmeal bowl enthusiast who likes animation and digital illustration. She can usually be found poorly explaining code at TA hours in the CIT, benching a total of like 2 lbs, or cackling at memes her sister sent her.